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Can Golf Simulators Improve Your Game?


As a golf enthusiast I have spent some time looking at many different golf simulators available today. Some are reasonably priced while others are extremely expensive. It appears that a big jump in spend comes from the inclusion of a projector which makes the experience so much more realistic. Others have more advanced software that will allow you to evaluate and custom fit each individual club in your bag right through to the putter!

If playing golf is your favorite sport, you may seriously want to consider buying an indoor テーラーメイドドライバー golf simulator and try playing golf inside your home. When it is not possible to play golf out on the golf course due to bad weather, for instance, you can just play at home all day long. Although many people believe that playing golf on a golf course is much more exciting, you should try an indoor golf simulator as it offers the setting of a real golf course using digital graphics. The golf simulator has some benefits that will surely please you.

Originally golf simulators required large expensive equipment that was out of reach for the average home user. Over the last few years with advancement in sensors and computing technology they have become smaller in size and more affordable every year. With lower pricing more and more golfers are opting to set up simulators in their homes.

People around the world living in areas where golf is impossible to play due to winter conditions are keeping their golf swings grooved through the use of golf simulators. Not only can you play on some of the most famous golf courses in the world but you can invite your friends around and challenge them to win the US open for a fun and social evening. Most simulators come with a few golf courses loaded and optionally you can purchase additional courses for a moderate fee.

A simulator can also save you a lot of time and money as you do not have to drive to the golf course and spend time and money there. Paying the fees at a regular golf course can be costly while an indoor simulator is the complete opposite. You only need to buy a package consisting of a computer, projector, the simulator software, and the mats. Most of the packages also provide additional equipment such as nets, balls and clubs. You may think nets are not necessary, and you might already have the golf balls and clubs. In addition, using an indoor golf simulator allows you to use your own golf equipment by trying different approaches and angles. It is quite possible that a golf simulator will improve your playing for when you actually hit the course.

Some of the more up market devices come with swing and club evaluation. We have started to see some of the major golf club manufacturers using advanced golf simulation to aid fitting and selling new equipment. Local golf professionals have also jumped on the bandwagon using advanced simulators to demonstrate swing errors aiding their customers visually, with the golfer being able to compare his swing to other top players who are the same height and have similar swing characteristics.

The question remains, however, how accurate are modern simulators? To find out we have to visit the driving range with a simulator set up. We can literally hit the ball and visually check for distances to compare with the simulators results. So far, some of the cheaper units are fairly inaccurate and would suit people with smaller budgets for entertainment use only. The more expensive units are fairly impressive with surprisingly accurate readings. Measurements include spin rates, angles of attack, backspin and topspin generated.

In conclusion I would say every golfer would have hours of fun and most likely improve their golf games with the readings and information gathered. The only negative for home use is the need for a large enough space to set everything up. It is recommended to make an area available in your home and leave the unit permanently set up to avoid spending time re-calibrating the machine each time you want to use it.

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