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Guitar Backing Tracks - Solo, Rhythm, Bass Take Your Pick


Whether you are new to any blues instrument or an old hat at it, there will come a time when you will need to practice and no-one is available, or you are one of those people who only plays for their own enjoyment.

Either way, playing with the accompaniment of a full band using Blues Guitar Backing Tracks will not only improve your playing, technique and style, but will also give you untold amounts of confidence in yourself.

Practicing the scales up and down, backwards and forwards until you have complete confidence in your positioning and fingering, can be a little (who am I kidding) a lot boring. But it is essential to your understanding and continued improvement of the guitar.

Ok, now that you have the basics down, you want to expand on what you have learned. What better way to learn than using guitar backing tracks. You don`t have to say to your bandmates stop, lets start over, I screwed up. All you have to do is start over with your blues backing tracks from were you made your mistake until you get it right. No bickering, no arguments just a mouse click to restart your blues backing tracks from where you left off.

There are many, many different styles of the blues and whichever style you choose to play, you can find a backing track to accompany you. Whether you play electric guitar or acoustic guitar, there are that will help to improve your playing and understanding of blues guitar music.

will not only help the guitar soloist in you or in your band, but will greatly benefit the rhythm guitar player as well. Just follow along with the chord patterns and steer everyone in the right direction. You along with the bass guitar player are the backbone of the band, and should not take a backseat to the soloist, and blues guitar backing tracks will help you to put your best foot forward.

For you bass guitar players out there (the most under appreciated member of any band), is probably the most useful tool that you could possibly have in your arsenal. Imagine going to your next band practice and having the bass part down pat and saying to your bandmates, Follow Me.

They say imitation is the best form of flattery. Tell me a blues guitar player that hasn't imitated another blues guitar player. Learn from others, copy others, borrow from others, but use the work that these others have generously provide to expand your own blues guitar playing and someday others will be learning, copying and borrowing from you.

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