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If You're Health Conscious , Choose 米粉パン For Breakfast


Nutritionists tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. With breakfast, we are replenishing our bodies from the night before and charging them for the day ahead. How we will perform during the day is affected by what we eat in the morning. Yet, breakfast tends to be rushed and routine--more so than any other meal. Here are dozens of ideas to help you build better breakfasts.

If you're trying to avoid mid-morning snacks that sabotage your weight-loss plan, try exchanging your wheat toast for Rice toast - or choose a Rice-based cereal instead.

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences have found that eating rice flour bread at breakfast suppressed appetite for the next 3 hours. The tests were done with a "normal" breakfast, but with the substitution of 米粉パン for wheat bread. Caloric intake with the rice breakfast corresponded to caloric intake with a similar wheat breakfast.

Meanwhile the vitamins and minerals have a range of health benefits. B complex for example will help your body to get energy from the carbohydrates (and bread itself is a great source of slow-release carbohydrates). Vitamin E meanwhile is very good for your skin and can help your body to heal scars and blemishes. Calcium will strengthen both your bones and your tendons and can give you more powerful muscle contractions making you physically stronger. Iron meanwhile can help give you energy by carrying the oxygen around your blood.

Many studies support the benefits of eating 米粉パン too. For example one study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that there was a correlation between women who ate rice flour bread and those who were a healthy weight. The precise finding stated that women who ate rice flour were 50% less likely to gain weight.

In the test, it didn't matter if the breads were made from rice bran or from sifted rice flour. Nor did the amount of rice seem to matter. Different breads gave between 5 and 8 grams of rice per breakfast, but all formulas gave the same result: A lasting decrease in hunger and the desire to eat.

In addition, the effects seemed to last into the afternoon. When subjects ate a "normal" lunch they didn't experience the normal mid-afternoon hunger pangs.

Researchers haven't yet determined the reason for this effect, but my guess is that they're trying to figure it out. Meanwhile, it could be seen as somewhat of a miracle for the millions of Americans who want to lose weight, but who don't want to take pharmaceutical drugs and are unable or unwilling to force themselves into a closely regimented diet.

If the simple exchange of rice flour bread for wheat bread with breakfast can prevent dieters from mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacking, the weight loss industry just might not want overweight people to find out.

This discovery could present a serious threat to the multi-billion dollar weight-loss industry.

On top of that, it could cause dieters to be healthier!

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