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Roll of Traffic Management Companies In Road Safety Plan


Road traffic control is basically the control and direction of pedestrian and vehicle traffic, especially around an area that has an accident, a construction zone, or any other area of the road that has a disruption. This is aimed at guaranteeing that safety is upheld for the public, the construction workers, and the emergency responders at the scene.

Traffic management plans may also involve the use of CCTV cameras or any other means to monitor traffic in different areas to manage the flow. In this way, advice can be given regarding congestion.

The companies

Due to the need on the road, some companies have set up shop to offer the much-needed services to the public road users. This occupation has to be done in the day and in the night, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. It is also very risky, especially since one may be struck by vehicles as they pass. It is therefore very important for a company to be well equipped.

Drivers are not always thrilled about disruptions and there are those that are very antisocial which makes them even more reckless. There are drivers who do not even pay the needed attention while on the road. Others use their phones while on the road and some exceed the speed limit. As such, companies dealing in this area need to have enough staff working for them. When this is catered for, fatigue will not be an issue and they will be more alert thereby handling situations better.

Set up

A worksheet needs to have warning signs way before the area where the work is actually being carried out. Different areas have got different signage used. Some are very specific regarding what lies ahead and so the drivers can slow down to avoid accidents. There are even lane status boards that inform drivers about a specific lane and what is actually happening there. Advisory signs inform drivers of what lies ahead so they can take the precaution needed.

Usually, a worksite will have to be closed down around the work area. The method used is based on the type of road. Common signs include arrow boards and signs.

TMCs using IP Video

Most TMCs today are using roadway sensors for traffic counting as a means for determining traffic speed and conditions. However, these sensors provide limited information because they can only display the speed of traffic, which can be a symptom of a bigger problem. TMCs rely on IP video cameras to provide the diagnosis to those symptoms. In incident management systems, cameras allow operators to see the true cause of the traffic backup. With this visual information, TMC operators can provide feedback to the public via real-time traffic GPS systems, changeable message signs, television, or on the Internet and they can pass along this information to other government agencies for use in incident response. Advanced use of these traffic surveillance systems includes the use of camera presets. These pre-defined “presets” can allow the application software to direct the camera to automatically look at a specific section of roadway, when a certain action triggers this “preset”. For example, when traffic reaches below a predefined speed threshold, traffic sensors can alert the application software to redirect the camera to view an alternate angle. Based on what the operators can see, they have the ability to make changes to traffic signals, etc.

On city streets, IP video cameras are primarily used for adaptive signal control systems in which TMC operators can monitor certain corridors and coordinate traffic signals in order to keep traffic flowing along critical traffic corridors. They can make certain lights turn green or red based on real-time traffic conditions. This type of functionality is especially valuable during high-traffic events such a sporting event or natural disaster.

The most important thing is to have an emphasis during training, especially for the traffic controllers. There is the proper dress code for such people and the most appropriate behavior while on the road. You will need steel-capped boots, sunglasses, gloves, hats, and sunscreen. Only the best companies consider all these areas and are therefore the best to work with.

This area starts with a plan. The crew used in such a case may be only a single person working at a closure or diversion. Sometimes it may also be a number of people, especially when they have to deal with the more complex tasks. Depending on the kind of work taking place, the areas affected may be closed for duration of time and this causes many disruptions to the motorists using such a route.

In such a case, it is important to manage the events as well as close the intersections. Setting up signage can be a lot of work depending on what exactly what is needed.

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