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Traffic Management Company & its Role In Road Safety


When you’re driving or walking along a road, you may come across a construction or road work site on occasion. In all cases, this area is outlined with various traffic control devices, such as cones, barrels, and barricades. All of these devices installed by traffic Control Company no matter their form, have one aspect in common – visibility. From smaller cones to nearly waist-high barrels, all traffic control devices are the part of traffic management plans and are designed in a bright neon color – orange is the most common – and have reflective strips. Both of these features allow such devices to be seen by motorists in the daytime and night.

Specific uses for traffic control devices by traffic control companies Melbourne are outlined in the MUTCD, but essentially all are used as warning signals and barricades. On the smallest level, traffic cones are used inside buildings to block foot traffic from accessing a certain area, such a wet floor, broken elevator, or unsafe staircase. The traffic cones, installed for traffic management Melbourne although orange or another bright color, are small at 18 inches or lower but are large enough to be noticed by pedestrians. A barricade, however, may be used in similar instances.

Once you leave the building and go out to the street level, traffic control devices, including cones and barricades, are still used for the same purposes. Outlining a construction site or road work area are common uses for such devices. Although these sites are often visible themselves, they aren’t always – especially when a manhole or large hole in the ground is involved. As both pedestrians and motorists will be going by the area, larger traffic cones between 18 and 28 inches, barricades, and barrels alert with their bright color, size, and reflective strips in the day and night.

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