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Why Should I Use Skin Care Products?


Do you think you don’t need skin care products? You might want to rethink that.

Our skin is exposed to a multitude of environmental pollutants, stress, and the time factor. We can’t really combat these totally, so we must do what we can to prevent the aging process from becoming easily visible.

We can’t control the environmental issues or Father Time. Stress can be controlled, but we all have to learn how to handle it in our own way. Of course we all have to age, but we want to slow the process down as much as possible.

As we grow older, we should start to add facial masks, exfoliants, and deep hydrating moisturizers. If the skin has already suffered damage, it can start a reversal process with tretinoin cream, a very effective skin care product in an affordable price.

We age differently with each decade of life:

20’s Changes in the skin start to show, usually due to:

*lack of properly cleansing the face (which leads to clogged pores, which lead to blackheads and whiteheads)

*inadequate sleep

*too much alcohol and smoking

*not using moisturizers while exposed to the sun

30’s Here comes the double chin, laugh lines, and crow’s feet. Skin starts to lose elasticity and suppleness. Blotchy areas and brown spots can start to appear.

40’s Dry and dull skin arrives. Age spots start to form on the face and back of the hands.

50’s Skin becomes more prone to wrinkling. Menopause results in even drier skin.

60’s Circulation usually becomes an issue, resulting in even thinner, drier skin. Tissue can become more sensitive to the elements.

None of this sounds like a decade I’m looking forward to arriving at. Plastic surgery is can be a quick fix, but who really wants to put their body through that kind of torture only to take a chance on what you might really look like afterwards? Living a sensible lifestyle is much safer and will benefit you more than just on the outside.

*Sleep. The skin repairs itself while the body is asleep.

*Exercise. Exercise increases circulation and makes the body sweat. Sweating helps to flush grime from the skin.

*Hydrate. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Caffeine drinks can help to dehydrate the body, resulting in more wrinkles.

*Alcohol. Notice those little red veins on people’s faces?

*Diet. Love those fresh fruits and veggies!

We should all follow some sort of skin care program. The basics should start in teenage years:




*Oil. Vegetable and Mineral oil is used. These will clog the pores, backing up natural oils and dead skin cells. This results in blackheads and whiteheads.

*Dyes. They can irritate the skin.

*Soap. Extremely drying to the skin. Only use a quality cleanser.

I don’t want to look any older than I have to and I’m sure you would like to avoid that, also. I have used phenomenal skin care products for 33 years. I have my mother to thank for that. She always insisted that we take care of our bodies, since we only get one. When people ask my age, they are always surprised and think that I am at least a decade younger than I look. This can be the same for you. Just put a little effort into your daily skin care routine and positive things will happen!

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